Market meeting regarding jet grouting and LCC works

Bane NOR invites to a market meeting with potential contractors for jet grouting and LCC works.

  • Østfoldbanen
  • Nytt dobbeltspor Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad
  • Prosjektnyheter
  • Utbyggingsprosjekt

Publisert: 16. august 2022 klokken 11:27

Oppdatert: 21. desember 2022 klokken 14:58

Bane NOR invites to a market meeting with potential contractors for jet grouting and LCC works related to our project “New double-track railway Sandbukta-Moss-Såstad (SMS) – which is part of the Intercity development and is one of the sections on the railway line south of Oslo. 

The section SMS will be developed with a new double track running partly in tunnels and a concrete culvert and partly on open lines, including a new railway station in Moss. The new station will be built on an open line, approximately 200 meters south of the existing station, with four tracks and a connecting track towards Moss harbour. 

The project is ongoing. In February 2022 Bane NOR canceled the EPC works for the station area/Moss city, due to unexpected ground conditions. We are now in the process of entering the market with new contracts related to the station area/Moss city.

Due to the ground conditions there will major soil treatment, with uncertainties related to the scope and progress. Based on this Bane NOR want to present the project and establish a dialogue about the scope and type of contract for the jet grouting and LCC works. The tender process will start this autumn and expected start of the work is Q2 2023. We therefore invite potential tenderers to an open online meeting on August 18. If you wish to participate, please reply to this email and we will send you a link for a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Read more about Bane NOR(åpnes i ny fane)

Contact information: // +47 901 18 565

Publisert: 16. august 2022 klokken 11:27

Oppdatert: 21. desember 2022 klokken 14:58