Vieren station
Vieren station in Ulvik is a stop located along Bergensbanen line. Train services towards Bergen, Voss and Myrdal. Vieren has no road connection.

Photo: Njål Svingheim, Bane NOR
Travel information
Travel planning and tickets online
Plan your journey and buy your ticket on the train companies' websites or the national travel planner Entur.
About the station
Vieren stop is located in an area with many cabins and was put into use in 1948. The local trains in Raundalen stop at Vieren.
Vieren has no road connection.
Train directions
- Bergen
- Voss
- Myrdal
- Distance from Oslo S: 344.8 km
- Municipality: Ulvik
- Route: Oslo S–Roa–Bergen
- Line: Bergensbanen
- MASL: 802