Voss Stabling Facility

Photo of Voss Stabling Facility

Voss Stabling Facility Photo: Atle Einarson, Bane NOR

On this page:

Facility Location

Section: Oslo–Roa–Bergen.
Distance from Oslo: 385,32 km.

Contact Information

Track Table

Track Platform Comments
No. Type Length (m) Passing loop length (m) Extended option (m) Length (m) Height (m) Width (m)  
1 Hovedtogspor 1523 650   150 580 5 Sideplattform
1 Hovedtogspor 1523 650   250 700 8 Sideplattform
2 Togspor 782 650   250 700 3 Mellomplattform
3 Togspor 187 157   200 700 3 Mellomplattform
7 Buttspor 115 115          
10 Buttspor 70 35          
15 Buttspor 135 135          
16 Øvrige spor 173 173          
18 Øvrige spor 173 173          
20 Buttspor 381 381          
21 Buttspor 101 101          
22 Buttspor 76 76          
23 Buttspor 124 124          

Stabling Capacity

Spor Hensettings-
lengde (m)
Antall 110 m
KL-anlegg Serviceplattform Sportilgang med bil Toalettømming til stasjonært anlegg Vannfylling Togvarmeanlegg Merknader om begrensninger og funksjoner
20 381 3              

Train Heating Installations

Installation Location and Capacity
Installation no. Capacity (kVA) Stand no.  Local indentity no.  Serving track no.  Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz) Maximal continuous current (A)

Track Table

Track table Voss Stabling Facility

Track plan for Voss Stabling Facility. Bane NOR

Download the track plan