Rakkestad Stabling Facility

Photo of Rakkestad Stabling Facility

Rakkestad Stabling Facility Photo: Jernbanedirektoratet

On this page:

Facility Location

Section: Oslo S–Rakkestad, Østre linje.
Distance from Ski: 53,31 km.

Contact Information

Track Table

Track Platform Comments
No. Type Length (m) Passing loop length (m) Extended option (m) Length (m) Height (m) Width (m)  
1 Hovedtogspor 488,90 358   165 550 5 Sideplattform
2 Togspor 489,90 358          
3 Togspor 270 180         Laste-/pukkspor

Stabling Capacity

Get in touch with the contact person for Rakkestad Stabling Area.

Track Plan

Track plan Rakkestad Stabling Facility

Track plan for Rakkestad Stabling Facility. Bane NOR

Download the track plan