Jaren Stabling Facility

Photo of Jaren Stabling Facility

Jaren Stabling Facility Photo: Atle Einarson

On this page:

Facility Location

Section: Oslo S–Gjøvik, Gjøvikbanen.
Distance from Oslo: 71,92 km.

Contact Information

Track Table

Track Platform Comments
No. Type Length (m) Passing loop length (m) Extended option (m) Length (m) Height (m) Width (m)  
1 Hovedtogspor 1190 446   220 760/744 5,18 Sideplattform
2 Togspor 452,80 400          
3 Togspor 334 220   220 760/748 3,50 Sideplattform
4 Øvrige spor 425            
5 Buttspor 269     225 350/349 2,65 Serviceplattform
6 Buttspor 302     225 350/348 2,65 Serviceplattform
7 Buttspor 269,10     225 350/352 2,65 Serviceplattform
8 Øvrige spor 165,70            
9 Øvrige spor 131,30            
23 Togspor 8,70            
89 Øvrige spor 7,20            

Stabling Capacity

Track no. Stabling length (m) Number of stabling spots (110 m) Catenary Service platform Track access with car Toilet waste disposal Water filling Pre-heating installation Washing facility Notes on limitations and functions
4 330 3 X              
5 225 2 X X X   X      
6 225 2 X X X   X      
7 225 2                

Track Plan

Track plan Jaren Stabling Facility

Track plan for Jaren Stabling Facility. Bane NOR

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