Flåm Stabling Facility

Photo of Flåm Stabling Facility

Flåm Stabling Facility Photo: Atle Einarson

On this page:

Facility Location

Section: Flåm–Myrdal, Flåmsbanen.
Distance from Oslo: 356,0 km.

Contact Information

Track Table

Track Platform Comments
No. Type Length (m) Passing loop length (m) Extended option (m) Length (m) Height (m) Width (m)  
1 Togspor 173 128          
2 Buttspor 137 84          
3 Togspor 135 36          
4 Togspor 254 227   150 570 5 Mellomplattform
5 Buttspor 173 131          
5 Buttspor 240 198   150 570 5 Mellomplattform

Stabling Capacity

Track no. Stabling length (m) Number of stabling spots (110 m) Catenary Service platform Track access with car Toilet waste disposal Water filling Pre-heating installation Washing facility Notes on limitations and functions
1 168 1 X         X    
2 126 1 X         X    
3 90   X              

Train Heating Installations

Installation Location and Capacity
Installation no. Capacity (kVA) Stand no.  Local indentity no.  Serving track no.  Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz) Maximal continuous current (A)
EL-TVA-000164 2500            

Track Plan

Track plan Flåm Stabling Facility

Track plan for Flåm Stabling Facility. Bane NOR

Download the track plan