Bergen Maintenance Facility

Photo of Bergen Maintenance Facility

Bergen Maintenance Facility Photo: Bane NOR

On this page:

Facility Location

Bergen Maintenance Facility is connected to Bergen Station and may be viewed as a part of the larger station area. 

Contact Information

Track Table and Facilities

Track Power Supply Facilities and Services  Other
No. Length (m) Catenary Number on disconnector Length of pit (m) Lifting facilities Access to roof control Bridge crane Thawing/Drying Toilet waste disposal Water filling 400V test power 1000V train pre-heating installations Comments
22   X                    X  
24 122 X   110 X X X  X        X  
26 122 X   110   X X X X X    X  
27 230 X             X X      

Track Plan

Track plan for Bergen Maintenance Facility

Track plan for Bergen Maintenance Facility Bane NOR

Download the track plan

About the Facility

Fo rmore information about Bergen Maintenance Facility, get in touch with the contact person.